Monday 17 February 2014

More Gulls

Black-headed Gull

Common Gull

Lesser Black-backed Gull

More Gulls I am afraid, but at least this time they have got their wings open!

Monday 3 February 2014

Complete Loon!

I am still finding myself drawn to this bird, now into its fourth week at the small pits in the village of Maxey. The North American name for this bird is the Great Northern Loon, quite apt, as I am finding myself neglecting all other birds in my mad quest for a half decent photo! After spending nearly 4 hours at this site yesterday, with a brief spell at Deeping Lakes to see if I could catch up with the long-staying drake Mandarin (I didn't), or catch a glimpse of a PBC lifer in the shape of the locally rare Willow Tit (dipped on that too) and after taking 100's of photos, I managed to grab from the wreckage a couple of okay shots which are above.