Wednesday 26 November 2014

Glossy Ibis at Frampton Marsh RSPB (again!)

It always seems to rain or else be extremely miserable when I visit Frampton Marsh. The other weekend was no different when myself and Chris Orders paid a visit.

The day started extremely foggy with visibility down to 50 yards, if that, but we hadn't been out for a while and so we proceeded with our trip. The main object was to see if we could get any views of a juvenile Rough-legged Buzzard that had been frequenting the area, but also just to have a walk around and probably pay our respects to the long staying Glossy Ibis. We arrived at the Buzzards favoured site where there were already some birders viewing the distance and telling us that they could see the bird in some distant trees. We viewed this through our scopes and whilst there was definitely a bird there, neither of us were very happy with the views and so we found a spot to view the bird that bit closer. We saw the bird fly, but at this instance we both identified it as a Common Buzzard, not a Rough-legged one. After spending a couple of hours looking for this bird, we decided to cut our losses and go to the RSPB's reserve.

A very pleasant walk was had, seeing lots of Brent Geese, Wigeon and a few waders, but on returning to the car park we were greeted with quite good views of the Glossy Ibis. It then started to rain..........and rain..........and rain a bit more. We were entrenched in my van, but good views were had as the bird continued to move a bit closer and was seen actively feeding and doing a spot of wing stretching. I just wish the sun would have come out, maybe next time!

A first-summer bird arrived at this site on June 14th and was joined by a second on the 26th. These two birds then started displaying and a nest was started to be built, excitement grew on the site as this breed has never bred in this country, despite numerous oversummering birds. Alas, this was not to be and by the 19th July only one bird remained and has continued to do so, at least until mine and Chris's visit the other weekend. I wonder if the other bird will return next year and the two can give it another go?!

Saturday 15 November 2014

Short video of the two Desert Wheatears

For those of you bored with Desert Wheatear images, I can only apologise at this latest post. I took a few little videos of the two birds, but for some reason couldn't load them onto here, that has now been rectified.

I promise that there will be no more, that's unless another bird turns up closer to home!

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Desert Wheatear at Lowestoft, Suffolk

I arrived at Lowestoft after fighting through closed roads and roadworks to see the male Desert Wheatear being admired by a small gaggle of birders on the sea wall close to the Birds Eye factory. The bird was incredibly confiding, showing as close as 6 feet at times and seemingly nonchalant as regarding every ones presence. Locals walked along the sea wall, interested in what these binocular/camera clad people were looking at, dog walkers mooched by and the bird still continued to feed on small flies that seemed to buzz everywhere. At one point a lady let her dog get a bit too close (unwittingly, I think?) and the bird did fly some distance, but after a while continued to feed and put on a show for the assembled crowd. I took far too many photos, but it was hard not to when presented with such a poseur, but eventually had my fill and started my return journey to Peterborough after doubling my life sightings in the U.K. of this little bird in one day.

Monday 10 November 2014

Desert Wheatear at Gorleston-on-Sea, Norfolk

I have decided to do a couple of posts regarding the Desert Wheatears on the east coast due to the sheer number of images that I have of the birds. They will be posted in the order that I saw the birds, so this first post will show the female that was present at Gorleston-on-Sea.

I started the day with plans to go and see the rather showy male that was at Lowestoft in Suffolk and so left the house looking forward to a nice autumnal day with sunshine and no wind and images in my mind of a nice confiding male Desert Wheatear and after seeing that I would make the short trip to Gorleston-on-Sea to see the female. This was not how it panned out.

The rain started falling upon reaching Kings Lynn and as the journey progressed the rain became heavier, the roads more flooded and to top it all, upon reaching Lowestoft there were road works everywhere, with roads closed and even worse, the bird had not been reported! I was growing more and more frustrated and so upon checking Birdguides I saw that the female bird had been reported at Gorleston and so I decided to cut my losses and go for this bird first.

I arrived at the birds location, Pier Gardens, parked up and saw 3 more birders through the rain and gloom looking around, I assumed for the bird. There was no sign! We carried on regardless, walking further along the promenade when the lady amongst us saw the bird on the beach. Hurrah! It wasn't looking too happy to say the least, being extremely wet and shabby looking, but she was seen feeding and didn't seem too perturbed about our presence. I managed some okay shots considering the conditions, with the bird being pretty confiding, more interested in feeding than with my ugly mug looking at her.

I went back to the van in order to dry out and have a drink where I checked Birdguides and saw that the male at Lowestoft had now been reported as being present and so I dried out a bit and then made my journey south where the male Desert Wheatear was awaiting me with hopefully better weather!

Sunday 9 November 2014

Desert Wheatears on the east coast

I am afraid that more photos of these two little birds will follow in due course, but as of yet I am putting these two untouched images from my trip to the east coast today in order to catch the lifer that was the Desert Wheatear. The top photo shows a male bird that was in Lowestoft and the bottom shows a rather wet female that was in Gorleston-on-Sea near Great Yarmouth. Two birds for the price of one!

Saturday 8 November 2014

Monday 3 November 2014

Mallorcan birds



Male Stonechat

Female Stonechat
The last of the photos from the trip to Mallorca show birds that can be seen fairly easily in the U.K., but made to look different by the wall to wall sunshine!

Hopefully, I will be able to get out and do some British birding fairly soon, but the weather on my one day off is not conducive to any sort of photography! Maybe next time the sun will shine.