Tuesday 21 June 2016

Great Knot at Titchwell RSPB, Norfolk

Not a great photo, but the Great Knot can be made out if you look at the bird in the centre of the frame at the front of the main flock (and if you click on the image). This represents only the fifth record of this species in the U.K., a bird that breeds in North East Siberia and overwinters in Australia, so goodness knows what it is doing in Norfolk!

This bird has been present at Titchwell in North Norfolk for almost a week now and tonight was the third visit that I have paid to the site, with the previous two drawing blanks in the way of sightings. Tonight was different with the bird present on the fresh marsh with a large flock of Knot. Always distant and most of the time with its' bill firmly tucked under its' wing, but on the rare occasion it moved the assembled masses were treated to okay views of this rare wader from the East.

Monday 20 June 2016

Gannets in flight, Bempton Cliffs RSPB

This is the first of a few posts showing the largest breeding seabird of the U.K., the (Northern) Gannet. The above photos show 3rd calendar year birds, different from the adult and 4th year birds by way of predominant black on the wings, the adult is mostly white with black tips and the 4th year have the odd black secondary feathers. A huge bird with a 1.7-1.9 metre wingspan, a huge bill and a piercing blue eye ring and when seen well cannot be mistaken for any other species, oh, and my Dads' favourite!

Monday 13 June 2016