Sunday, 26 July 2015

In celebration of the Osprey

You may remember that a couple of months ago a young female Osprey appeared at Ferry Meadows CP in Peterborough and was identified as a bird that hatched at nearby Rutland Water in 2013 and had a blue ring on her right leg bearing '3J'. This bird entertained us for a month, making regular forays over the lakes from her chosen roosting grounds of the nearby Milton estate and regularly catching fish. I even managed to get a few reasonable photos of the bird. 3J left Ferry Meadows around the 13th/14th June and was then seen at Rutland Water, in fact, she was seen at the nest where she was hatched. Yesterday (25th July) she was seen and photographed at Glaslyn, near Porthmadog in North Wales. She must be looking for somewhere to call home.

Earlier this year, 3 Ospreys were hatched at the Manton Bay nest at Rutland Water (the nest where 3J entered this world) and earlier this month one of those chicks became the 100th Osprey chick that has successfully fledged at Rutland Water since their re-introduction began. What better excuse is needed to show you some more photos of 3J that I had the pleasure of taking when she was delighting all at Ferry Meadows?!


  1. Excellent pics John. The last is a cracker.

  2. great photos of a stunning bird.

    1. Thanks Gary, an extremely stunning bird!

  3. Thanks for the up date news on the Ospreys. Now these are fabulous images. Have a great week ahead.

    1. My pleasure Margaret and Thank you. You too

  4. Superb photography,pin sharp captures.

  5. Excellent photos John.
    Didn't quite delight all, I missed her for various reasons due to not visiting FM at the time. However, its another unusual birding event for the area.

    1. Thanks Roy! Didn't realise that you had missed her, maybe she will come back this way on her way back to Africa in the autumn!?


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