I have been away for a few days, mine and Lisa`s only break this year and during that brief time a bird was found in the PBC recording area that has been a bit of a bogey bird for me locally. A first winter Pied Flycatcher was seen in a garden by a local birder in the east of the area and the news was put out on the local bird site. I was away and the bird was only present for a day and a bit, as I say `GRIPPED`!
Mike Weedon and Brian Stone have been `after` this bird locally since God was a boy and Mike was the only one of us mad local listers in the area on Saturday. He got some stonking views and some rather lovely photo`s of this bird, click here to have a look. I am very pleased for Mike (he says through gritted teeth), but upset for Brian as he has `wanted` this bird for goodness knows how long. There is normally at least one of these birds locally per year, so hopefully the wait will not be too long, there is always next year!
Below is a photo of a young Robin that has been present in my back garden, learning the ropes of how to be a Robin in this big bad world. The resident adult, I assume its parent has now `had enough` of this youngster and is constantly trying to chase it off, but to no avail, the plucky youngster refuses to give up and keeps coming back.
I only post it because I like the picture and it shows me that I may have missed out on the Pied Fly, but I can still see beauty in the `common` birds in our area.